Friday, September 26, 2014

Grilled Zucchini with Parmesan

My husband, who has been deemed as "his worshipfulness" in the past for his particularly picky palate, who also can't stand the thought of zucchini, went back for seconds of this zucchini!  Thump!!  That was me falling out of my chair.  I couldn't believe it.  This is a really quick and really easy way to prepare zucchini.  It's great because with only a couple minutes per side, the zucchini doesn't get overcooked and mushy.  The lemon and Parmesan give it a great flavor.  Besides, everyone knows that sprinkling Parmesan on anything makes it a billion times better.  

Grilled Zucchini with Parmesan

2 zucchini, medium sized
2 T olive oil
1/2 t kosher salt
1/2 t pepper
1 whole lemon, zested
Parmesan cheese

Slice the ends of the zucchini off.  Cut them into quarters, lengthwise.  Place them in a Ziplock bag.  Add the olive oil, salt, pepper, lemon zest, and the juice of 1 lemon.  Seal the bag and swish it all around to evenly coat the zucchini.

Let it marinate for 15-20 minutes in the fridge.

Preheat the grill to medium to medium-low heat.  

Place the zucchini on the grates and grill each side for 2-3 minutes- being careful not to burn them.

Top with Parmesan cheese.

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