
Monday, April 11, 2011

Garlic Bubble Loaf

When I mention the word bubble, don't pleasant thoughts come to mind?  Blowing bubbles with kids on a beautiful Spring afternoon, wrapping yourself in bubble wrap and rolling down a large hill, playing Bubble Bobble for hours until you finally beat that nearly impossible last level, soaking in a bubble bath while the kids pound on the door to ask you if they can have a popsicle.  Well, this lovely little garlic (another wonderful thought provoking word) bubble loaf is just one more thing to add to that list.  In addition, this is so easy to make, and everyone will love it.  The best part for all the yeast-fearing folk?  This uses Rhodes frozen rolls, so you don't have to make the dough.  No more excuses to use Pillsbury biscuits.
Garlic Bubble Loaf
source: Taste of Home 5 ingredient Cookbook

frozen Rhodes rolls- 11
1/4 c butter
1 t dried parsley
1/2 t garlic powder

Thaw the frozen Rhodes rolls.  I placed mine in a Ziplock and set it in warm water water until they were thawed.

Melt the butter in a bowl and add the parsley and garlic powder.
 Dip the rolls in the butter.
 Place them in a greased 8x3 1/2 loaf pan.  I did 8 on the bottom and three on top.
 Put some water in a microwave safe bowl and bring to a boil.  Place the loaf pan in the microwave with the boiling water.  Let it rest for one hour or until double in size. 

Preheat the oven to 350.
 Bake for 30 minutes.
 Flip the pan over with a hot pad to release the rolls.  Serve on a plate. 

These just fall right apart when you pull one off.  Mmmm... Mmmm... Good. 

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